Frequently Asked Question

Supported MSSQL Versions
Last Updated 3 months ago

APPLICABLE TARGET: PLATO Applications, United Kingdom and Australasia.

Applicable Version: V10 and later.
Older versions may function but are not tested and need to be updated.

PLATO systems are supported/tested with the following versions of Microsoft SQL Server:

As of June 2022:

MSSQL 2022Fully Supported Plato V10 and later.

Consider Microsoft Always Encrypted drivers and database config

MSSQL 2019Fully Supported Plato V10 and later.
Consider {ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}

Mainstream Plato testing using this version.

MSSQL 2016Supported Plato V10 and later.
Microsoft Support ends in 2026. No longer testing this version.
MSSQL 2014Microsoft Support ended in 2024. Do not use.
MSSQL 2012Microsoft Support ended in 2022. Do not use.
MSSQL 2008R2Microsoft Support ended in 2019. Do not use.
MSSQL 2008
MSSQL 2005
MSSQL 2000
No longer Supported by Microsoft. Do not use.

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