Frequently Asked Question

Supported Operating Systems/IIS Versions
Last Updated 10 months ago

APPLICABLE TARGET: PLATO Intranet Applications, United Kingdom and Australasia.

Applicable Version: V10 and later.

PLATOAtlas is supported as follows on Microsoft operating systems and IIS server software.Earlier PLATOAtlas versions may also work but are not tested and need to be updated.

WINDOWS SERVER as of June 2022

Windows Server 2022-
all versions
Fully supported Plato V10 and later.
Windows Server 2019-
all versions
Fully supported Plato V10 and later.
Mainstream testing with this OS.
Windows Server 2016-
all versions
Supported Plato V10 and later.
Mainstream support ended 2022; Extended End date 2027. Consider updating. 
Windows Server 2012 R2-
all versions
No longer Supported by Microsoft. Do not use.

Windows Server 2008 all versions
Windows Server 2008 all versions
Windows Server 2003 all versions
Windows 2000 Server  all versions
Windows NT 4 Server  all versions

No longer Supported by Microsoft. Do not use.

Server Hardware
Interface apps on application servers use one core or one share of a core and up to 128MB RAM total (0.13GB) = negligible load. Web server instances use one core or one share of a core each with up to 128MB RAM each (0.13GB) = negligible load.
Plato's advice is that any server or VM adequately resourced per manufacturer advice and with sufficient allocated cores, is adequate for PLATO server apps.

Windows 11
works Plato V10 and later.
Mainstream testing with this OS
Windows 10works Plato V10 and later.
Mainstream testing with this OS
Windows 8.1No longer Supported by Microsoft. Do not use.
Windows 8 No longer Supported by Microsoft. Do not use.
Windows 7 No longer supported by Microsoft. Do not use.
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows 98
Windows NT
Windows 95
No longer Supported by Microsoft. Do not use.

Client Tests: Codectomy performance ranges from good (low power MITXPC) to excellent on any PC adequately resourced per Microsoft advisory for processor and supported OS. Apps use one core or one share of a core with up to 128MB Ram (0.13GB) = negligible load. Testing includes :
  • Intel low power MITXPC, Atom N2800 with 2gb RAM and 32-bit Windows 7- performance good.
  • Intel I3-3220 with 4GB RAM, 32-bit Windows 7 (so not all RAM available) - performance excellent.
  • Intel I5-3470s with 4gb RAM and x64 Windows 7 - performance excellent.
  • Intel I7-3820QM with 8gb RAM, x64 Windows 7 - performance excellent.
  • Intel I7-7820HQ with 16gb RAM, x64 Windows 10 - performance excellent.

This is an Intel NUC or Raspberry supplied by Plato pre-configured with OS and Plato Basketcoder applications. With around 10MB or app files server per user plus a one-off lookup download the first time a PC uses a Baskatcoder app, any file server resourced per OS manufacturer advisory should suffice.

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