Frequently Asked Question
APPLICABLE TARGET: DEPRECATED VERSION V8.6 and earlier, 32-bit and Intranet Applications, United Kingdom and Australasia.
NOT for Codectomy/ V10 and subsequent that has automated license management.
PLATO provides a relicensing application that you can download to update your licenses. License expiry dates are automatically updated in the relicensing application when invoice payments are registered in our system.
To update the Licenses in your PLATO system:
1. Download
2. Unzip the contents into your PLATO Middle Tier folder.
Note that unzipping errors are a known issue with the built-in unzip function in some versions of Windows. All of the zipped content is required so if you experience unzip errors, consider downloading a free zip product such as 7-Zip that does not cause this problem.
3. Run the Relicense.exe application from your PLATO Middle Tier folder.
4. If your licenses were updated correctly you will see a messagebox confirming this.
5. Record the Relicense Version displayed in the Messagebox so you can supply it if there are issues and you want to raise a support ticket.
6. Click the OK button.
7. Delete the Relicense.exe application from your PLATO Middle Tier folder to ensure that it is not accidentally run again.
Note that UAC in Windows Vista and later may require Administrator rights to run relicense.exe depending on how your system is set up. If you see UAC messages and your licenses do not update, you should ask your network support personnel for assistance.
To Check that your Licenses have been updated:
1. Run the application V8Configuration.exe from your PLATO Middle Tier folder.
2. Click the Licenses tab.
3. Review the dates of each license type to check that it is what you expect.
Repeat this process on all of your PLATO systems, including Live and Test/Training systems.
If your licenses are not updating:
1. We have had customer reports that a cached can be delivered by some browser setups or proxy servers, rather than downloading the latest. This is more likely if you needed a manual relicense and are downloading more frequently than usual. Try deleting your browser history or use a different PC on a DMZ or via a different proxy server if you suspect you've encountered a cache issue. This is one of the reasons why it's important to include the Relicense version whenever you raise a license support ticket: if it's immediately identified as a Relicense version issue, you can avoid expensive analysis or investigation by PLATO.
2. Are invoices up to date? Invoices are due on the 20th of each month and the automatic relicense rebuild occurs on the 22nd, so most customers will not experience any difficulty. However, delayed payment may cause the cycle to be missed and if license expiry is approaching, you will need to purchase a manual extension.
NOTE: Intranet systems do not reflect the changes until Reload. Many customers have this occurring automatically overnight, but if your users are seeing alerts you can reload manually using the admin.asp web page.
If you see an API error when running the Relicense application:
Then one or more of the files from the zip file is not present or is an older version. The most likely explanation is that unzipping did not succeed in copying all the required files, which is a known issue in some versions of Windows. You should download a copy of a zip tool like 7-Zip which does not experience these problems.