Frequently Asked Question

Could we please have our Plato database credentials changed?
Last Updated 3 months ago

Application Version: All Plato versions, all Codectomy versions.

Plato systems access their databases using SQL connection strings. Encrypted connection strings are stored in config files for each system.

Plato's Privacy Policy says that in the interests of confidentiality, Plato personnel should not need access to customer database credentials or connection strings. Instead, customer IS personnel are provided with mechanisms to maintain and test the connection strings themselves.

For versions prior to V10: Connection strings used to be entered and tested using V9configuration.exe, or other supplied configuration executable depending on version.

For V10 and later, connection strings are set using config.exe.

Always encrypted or other Microsoft encryption options

If database credentials are being updated, that is a good opportunity for customer IS personnel to review database version, driver and encryption choices.

With full control over the connection string, customers can deploy ODBC drivers and utilize any Microsoft database encryption from the very old Encrypted Channel all the way up to latest Always Encrypted standard. If asked, Plato recommends Always Encrypted to secure data at every point outside the application, both in motion and at rest.

All Plato V10 and later apps are compliant with latest Microsoft database encryption standards and currently supported ODBC driver options.

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