Frequently Asked Question

What ODBC Settings do Plato apps need?
Last Updated 5 years ago

APPLICABLE TARGET: PLATO Intranet Applications, United Kingdom and Australasia.

While 32-bit Windows once was the norm, modern Windows machines usually come with 64-bit Windows to make better use of memory and processing power. 32-bit apps can still work normally, as long as all their 32-bit dependencies are available.

Most Plato dependencies are included in the Plato runtime folder that can be copied to any machine and should work immediately. However, the required 32-bit SQL Server ODBC driver (to connect to your database) needs to be included on the machine, or else generic "can't connect to database" errors may be seen, because SQL Server can't be reached to provide a detailed connectivity error.

To confirm availability of 32-bit ODBC drivers on a 64-bit machine:

Step 1
On the 64-bit machine where the application is being installed, open the Microsoft Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator using one of the methods shown below.

In Windows 7 and prior, open C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64\odbc32.exe or type %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64\Odbcad32.exe in the Run window.

In Windows 10, type "ODBC" from the start menu and select the offered "32-bit" option.


Don't try to navigate to 32-bit ODBC32.exe by other means, or Windows may substitute its 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Step 2
Select the Drivers tab.


In this example, two SQL Server 32-bit drivers are present. The SQL Server driver is present by default in most versions of Windows after Windows 2000, so it is the driver that has been most commonly used. Either driver can be used in your connection string to connect to the Plato database.

Step 3
Check your Plato connection string by running the Vxconfiguration.exe (where Vx matches your major Plato version, e.g. V10) in the Middle Tier.


The  Driver Name should match one of the driver/s you can see in 32-bit ODBC  Data Source Administrator- e.g. the"SQL Server" driver, or the newer Native Client driver. 32-bit Plato is fully tested with standard SQL Server and Native Client Drivers.

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